After the regional elections, saw the disgust general, there is a bit 'of the discouragement. I said a little '! I do not think it true what I see around, it seems there was a mortality of cats. Manco had lost in Tuscany, but everything is remedied. Certainly the political parties that are in parliament have three years to get a bit of tranquility 'of their business and a lot of media hegemony, but we have to make as many real politics, because of the people's problems, to analyze them and look for the best solutions. To do this, however, need everyone's help, the desire and determination to change. I am convinced that there is desire and determination in all of us fellows, we must roll up our sleeves and move the dormant minds of those who believe more in what they spend on television. We must move forward in a spirit of initiative and belief in a better future.
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