la politica ci sta mostrando, giorno dopo giorno, sempre più schifezze, intrighi, imbrogli. In un clima simile è facile per chi si lancia nella politica con la P maiuscola fare incetta di voti. Basti pensare a Berlusconi nel '94, o nel suo piccolo a Di Pietro. Quello che oggi sta cercando di fare Vendola è eliminare dalle proprie spalle il suo passato da rifondarolo, il tutto per poter avere l'immagine di uomo nuovo della politica. Ma lui di nuovo non ha proprio niente: in parlamento dal 1992 nelle file del PRC, dopo aver militato nel PCI ed aver anche fatto parte della dirigenza nazionale. Nel febbraio 2007, quando il compagno Turigliatto vota contro il finanziamento delle truppe in Afghanistan is, together with Jordan, one of the most important supporters of the expulsion, probably the lowest moment in the history of the party. Not to mention the fact that he is ruling the Puglia since 2005, with modest results and making well pass under the nose several scandals relating to health.
So much for the new face! Characters so the policy is full of them, only tend to have the foresight not to stand for election to three years away.
We then talk about what unites Vendola the left? The combines so much that he managed to found a new party without any make matches. Split PRC, which is now working hard for the unit (the real one) of left, because he lost the Congress. Oh, poor ... What more can I say? If
then at least had the foresight to apply by submitting a program, an idea to revive the country, something! Nothing. His figure is based throughout the picture, on the courage of the young leader who is eager to tackle the old knight ... The question I ask everyone is, but why knock the rider of the PDL should pick up the knight left dela?
Italy not need Vendola, is better leadership. A bold leader is not there if we do nothing then it all behind Rotters. In short, a bit 'of seriousness!
the bottom of this article I also, though persuaded to remain unheard by the proponents of SEL, as the secretary of the PRC Ferrero has repeatedly throwing a necessary appeal to the Left for you to look at the Environment and Freedom Project of the Federation of the Left as a possible partner for the birth of a new party of the truly great left.
appeals of Vendola Ferrero responded to insults, long live the unity of the left. Gian Luca