Monday, December 1, 2008

Portable Hair Sinks For Home Salon

Il Periodo Ipotetico

Another post on this song, because if you love, you love fully.

If there was a place abandoned to itself .. it might take ..

If enough leave to pay a warm day that I seized

If there was a holy day on your face,
about the disappointment that I have given
If there was a port to which reserved on the turn
in the few days off will

But, yes passerà
questo pallore che ci rende così simili da perderci
Ma passerà, sì passerà

Se ci fosse un pianto da sacrificare sul mio viso,
sulla delusione che mi hai riservato
Se bastasse un cuore per ricominciare te lo donerei nei pochi giorni liberi

Ma passerà, sì passerà
questo pallore che ci rende così simili da perderci
Ma passerà, sì passerà
questo pallore che ci rende così simili da non distinguerci

's a song, a love letter and apology, the words that inspired a young woman wrote that her son did not have the will and the ability to give birth. We are in 1970. Italy is a country torn by subversive forces, a voltage close to the ideological madness, violence believed that soothed by the release and settling of accounts after the war. Adele and Paul have left less than a year. She is carrying a secret, an event that will find the courage to trust only twenty-five years later. Does not feel, and around him is shocked
a society without districts, without adequate institutions to accept such a private torment. A

words are all willing to take the field, in reality, the extremists on both sides face each other in rounds of closures and radical underground. Few voices shiny, and a girl is actually forced to risk their lives to not give birth to an orphan. I like to remember
Brunella Gasperini, a clear voice to that time when a tabloid News as 2000, said today that nient'altroche obscenities, she wrote, along with Camilla Cederna of hardships faced by young people, addressing issues with light distressing and irony, without banality.
Progressive Alliance, supported the campaigns of emancipation, divorce, abortion. He spoke to women by introducing the 'lexicon family' a new and strong word: independence. Mental, economic, social. Lontana dall'isteria e dalla bruttezza delle femministe radicali, la Gasperini parlava alle femmine e ai maschi cercando di riportare sulla terra i temi dell'intimità e rompere la paranoia dei conflitti generazionali.

Un tempo gli scrittori parlavano al popolo 'anche' dalle colonne dei taboid. Quante madri, quante mogli hanno trovato un millimetro di tregua dalle vessazioni domestiche di uomini/capra, quanti ragazzi hanno imparato che il sesso non era una cosa per porci leggendo la Cederna su Novella 2000 ? Non pochi. Ma ancor di piu' sono quelli che oggi,sulla stessa rivista, mangiano con gli occhi i perizomi delle veline che spuntano dai jeans o sognano le slinguate fashion al Billionaire. I giornali sono gli stessi ma oggi gli scrittori non write to us more '.

remember the words of Adele on her youth, conflict between ideals and reality in a world that "we had sex and fear." That fear is now dormant. Some time ago I had read an article that Pasolini published in Corriere della Sera in 1975, entitled "I regard abortion." The law on interruption of pregnancy was approved only three years later. "Then cursed Pier Paolo" I said, "because I did not understand how he could share the cause of those bad-fascists he so detested. But I was wrong. I did not understand what she feared that abortion would become simply a contraceptive like the others. On the Beach . I did not understand what actually was his terror of the trivialization sesso, la sua trasformazione in un ennesimo soggetto del consumismo sfrenato, in abitudine di massa, senza attenzioni reciproche, senza pienezza, senza amore".


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