Sunday, July 18, 2010

Swot Analysis Of Hair Salon

Capitalism is bankrupt

Capitalism, with its cyclical crises, shows its imperfect nature. Then liberalism is proving typically hypocritical and bankrupt. As evidence of this is evident from the behavior of all world governments, particularly those in western countries. These are the most affected by the crisis of capitalism, and at the same time are the most motivated supporters of free trade. But a liberalism that is definitely false. Banks, industry associations, lobbies financial press during times of economic good that governments are showing more and more liberal. Just pretend the crisis starts to blow huge amounts of aid, so that large companies are nowadays only because of taxpayers' money, see the case of Fiat. A true liberal can not accept such a situation, if a company is failing means that it is simply incapable of supporting the free market. In fact, the liberals are up to you need to ask greater flexibility of labor, lower taxes and an unregulated market, so they can enrich as much as possible. At a time when sales collapsed the state becomes the common pot of people in that box, until a few moments before, he did not want to put a euro. Liberalism is an ideology, is a flag to wave before the industrial classes in good times and bad haul down in the period. In Italy, the Berlusconi government is pursuing the idea of \u200b\u200bliberal (always a false liberalism), even in lean times. This is definitely a big risk, particularly for employment. The model adopted pseudoliberista far has created a market junkie, a management capace solo di chiedere allo stato o tagliare sul personale. Fateci caso. Qualche grande azienda italiana ha forse puntato sulle nuove fonti di energia? Si stanno forse studiando nuovi modelli logistici per il risparmio? Conoscete grandi aziende che si stanno reinventando, magari aprendosi a settori poco esplorati? La risposta non può essere che NO. Ed il motivo è semplice: quando le cose vanno male ci pensa lo stato. Ora il governo sta essenzialmente tagliando sui servizi, cioè sui posti di lavoro, sugli strumenti medici, sui mezzi pubblici, ecc., senza rendersi conto che questo non può che abbassare ulteriormente i consumi. Allo stesso tempo le aziende , abituate ad ingenti aiuti statali, si ritrovano sole senza le organizational ability to cope with such difficulties. And what do these companies? The only alternative to state aid for them are the staff reductions, and that's exactly what they do. And how can they cut it indiscriminatamente? Simple, thanks to a government that deregulation of the labor market. New cuts equals less fuel consumption, and the economic circle of death is to close in on itself. How could I fix this? I think there are two roads. The first model is to return to taxes in times of growth, aid in times of crisis. Model of course opposed by business associations, because they both do not pay taxes (to pay employees who take starvation wages). Con un sistema simile non si può però pensare ad un futuro di stabilità, la crisi è sempre dietro l’angolo. La seconda strada percorribile, a mio parere quella giusta, è riportare la totalità dei servizi nelle mani dello stato, nazionalizzando banche ed assicurazioni, eliminando i finanziamenti alle scuole e agli ospedali privati, togliendo dai mercati energia, acqua e trasporti pubblici. Un altro importante passo va fatto nel ramo dello sviluppo economico, il quale deve essere indirizzato, seguito e supportato dallo stato, in particolare in materia di ricerca. Devono essere imposti tetti massimi agli stipendi dirigenziali, devono aumentare i salari. Oltre a tutto questo deve essere portata avanti una grande riforma del sistema tributario that bring more income tax to hit medium-high and high and reduce to a significant tax on labor. This must be done at the same time renewing the leadership and training programs themselves. Italy and Europe have strengths and human capacity to be able to renew the basic economic system, even revolutionizing in its principles, you just need a little 'courage. Gian Luca



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