Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Human Resources Confidentiality

Raga these are the readings for the summer holidays

1.Di Beppe Fenoglio "Una questione privata"

2."La mosca "o" il fu Mattia Pascal "di Pirandello

3."Quer pasticciaccio brutto" di Carlo Emilio Gadda

4".Gente di Dublino" o "Ulisse" di James Joyce

5."Senilità" o " Una vita" di Italo Svevo

6.Saggio :"Cose di Casa Nostra" di Giovanni Falcone

7(.IMPORTANTE DA LEGGERE PER IL PROGRAMMA)" Le affinità elettive" di Goethe

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Is Dr Szalay A Good Surgeon

chills up again Coronis (and that's it ...)

I want to enrich the previous post with another version - on Coronis - which is narrated by the people of Epidaurus , and that is, come si vedrà, diversa dalla precedente.

Dicono dunque gli Epidauri che il padre di Coronide, Flegia (o Flegias) - famoso per le sue scorrerie nelle antiche terre greche - fondasse ab origine una città, cui diede il suo stesso nome. In questa città il prode Flègias volle accogliere i più sfegatati ceffi dell'Argolide .
Coronide , in quel tempo, conobbe Apollo e di lui rimase incinta. Assistita da Artemide (Diana) e dalle Moire (di cui ho già parlato) si recò al santuario di Apollo ad Epidauro (Επίδαυρος, piccola città greca dell'Argolide) ed ivi diede alla luce un bel bimbo che espose sul Mount
partition. It was, partition, a mountain, or rather, a hill, where the plants grew more beautiful and miraculous ancient Greek (a bit 'as our Monte Baldo, near Lake Garda, a favorite of naturalists from around the world ). On the mountain the goatherd Codest Arestanate , looking for the goat-only - had separated from the flock of sheep was discovered that the animal is nursing a child: he was, then, to take that small when he was blinded by a light incredible. The pastor knew that it faces a mystery: not wanting to compete on something big c, left the small ( Asclepius ) to the care of father natural, the god Apollo.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lyrical Expensive Dance Costumes

Dedicated to a "shear" (story of Coronis)

Coronis, daughter of Flegg, King of Lapiths lived in Thessaly, on the shores of Lake Beobi, where he used to wash his feet.
Apollo, attracted by her beauty, became his mistress. Having to go one day at Delphi, Coronis entrusted to the care of a raven feathers by spotless.
But Coronis had long been a strong passion for Ischia and he also became her lover, though waiting for a child by Apollo.
happened that the crow, thinking to please, who went to Delphi, telling infidelity of Coronis to Apollo. That, however, cursed the animal because he had blinded Ischi beak, and feathers made of black, passing the curse even to his tribe.
Artemis, sister of Apollo, then wanted to avenge the insult hurling Coronis a whole quiver of arrows. Apollo at the sight of the lover who died was seized by remorse, but now Coronis fell in Tartarus and was about to be burnt on the pyre burning. Apollo called in help from the womb of Coronis Hermes rescued a child who called Asclepius (think, the first history of cesarean delivery) in the care of the centaur Chiron, who taught him, then, the art of medicine.
Ischi was rather struck by the wrath of Jupiter, it flashed.

Coronide: una storia che ha del vero; una figura che ha del moderno; una persona che ha del materialmente vivo e che ce la fa sentir vicina. Questa è Coronide.

Dedico questi ricordi scolastici a una "tosa" .

[La coronide ( Coronìs ) in lingua greca è una notazione ed indica un'aspirazione. Viene rappresentata con una leggera curva, di formato lieve e conferisce una tonalità melodica.
Coronis sta per "falce", per la sua struttura, e pare desse origine a Chrono .
Segnature falciformi si trovano anche in Musica: ad esempio, le chiavi di Basso e di Baritono sono rappresentate da curve (coronidi)].