Monday, October 20, 2008

Arch Or Truss Bridge?

Le Tourbillon de la Vie

"Life was like a strange holiday. Jules et Jim had never played a game of dominoes so important. Time passed. Happiness is said that evil has no words, but is consumed and no one notices. "


" What is bad is that the war has deprived man of his individual struggle.

It 's true, but I believe that everyone can fight the st it, apart from the war.

I remember a gunner I knew the hospital. Returning from a licensed
met a girl on the train. They talked between Nice and Mars
ily. On the station platform, she gave him the address and for two years, every day, he wrote in a frenzy from the trench on wrapping paper to light the candles, while the shells rained down. Letters
increasingly intimate. The first began with
Dear Miss and ended with My respectful homage . In the third
called little Fairy and asked for a photograph. Then it becomes Mia adorata , poi Le bacio le mani , poi Le bacio la fronte .
Più tardi le descrive la fotografia che lei gli ha mandato e le parla del seno che ha intravisto sotto l'accapatoio e poi passa a darle del tu.
Ti amo tremendamente

Un giorno scrive alla madre della ragazza per chiederle la mano e così si fidanza ufficialmente senza averla mai rivista.

La guerra continua e le lettere diventano sempre più intime.
Ti sogno sempre amore mio. Carezzo i tuoi seni adorabili e ti stringo tutta nuda a me.
Lei risponde un pò fredda, lui si arrabbia e le prega di non fare la civetta p
erchè lui può die at any moment.
And it was true. See, Jules, to understand this kind of love letters must have known the violence of trench warfare.

That collective madness and the presence of death
and every minute.
Here is a man who, while participating in the Great War, has also been able to fight his little war and conquer completely away from a woman only by persuasion. "


Jim : Ten minutes will be the day.
Gilberte : For Jim ... Once you spend the night here with me.
Jim: No, Gilberte: if I stay, I leave you the impression of not remaining tomorrow. If the rest tomorrow, we would end up being tied to one another. It is not contrary to the covenant? And then the night is over .. it is dawn.

Catherine: want to sleep alone tonight, go to your room
Jim: but why?
Catherine: There's a reason
Jim: explain
Catherine: I have nothing to explain
Jim: will be next to you so good good
Catherine: is not true, then I do not know what to do with your goodness, I am disgusted when is the night I think about that child that we will never imprerssione I like to give an exam, I can not bear it any longer
Jim: Catherine but we love each other, this counts only
Catherine: no! Why account too and I love you less. then honestly try to give one to the other. If we separate, and then I realize that I love m'arrangerò. forward back to Gilbert because you write every day
Jim: six unjust Catherine
Catherine: is true, but I have not the heart. and that is why I do not love you and never love anyone. and then I'm 32 and you 29. want a woman at forty, I'll do 43, takes one of only 25 and I will stay like an idiot
maybe you're right, I'll leave tomorrow. Let us separate for three months
Catherine: Suffer! and yet I suffer no more. We must not suffer them both together. I'll start when you stop you

Jim : Senti Gilberte, devi capire che se Catherine ha voglia di fare una cosa, nei limiti in cui crede di non nuocere ad altri, ma può annche sbagliare, la fa. Perchè le piace e perchè le serve d'esperienza. Pensa così di arrivare alla saggezza.
Gilberte : Piuttosto comodo
Jim : non essere meschina Gilberte.
Gilberte : Non sono meschina, sono gelosa. Lo sapevo già da tanto che doveva finire così. Jim, non partire domani. Ti avrà tutta la vita. Resta ancora qualche giorno.


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