that interceptions are useful processes, or rather, indispensable even understand a gourd. The reason we want to limit the point of making them think they're useless in a few among those voting right, to really understand it. We talk about privacy rights being violated. The right would be to talk without being heard. To speak with the certainty that what they say no one else will. So though it favors those who commit crimes, it helps organized crime, particularly those new cells are born a bit 'all over our country. Then the possibility to leave certain characters from our own, building speculators, unscrupulous businessmen and so on., To have a secure area of \u200b\u200bimpunity means raise the white flag in front of the white-collar crime and corruption. A superficial view this situation can be described as yet another guarantee in favor of a class, a leadership incapable to act within the law, subject to the civil rules that underpin a democratic state. But not only that. Giving space to such people is to give space to a crime subola and dangerous. Think of all those buildings and bridges in Italy without any respect for the rules of safety, design and construction, through bribes regularly deposited in the hands of those who should work for the good of the country. Think of all those overflowing with hazardous waste landfills, operated by groups that have little to do with cleaning the area. All this brings death, disease. Ensure that the judiciary can not investigate the peak of their strength also means allowing all this. It means not prioteggere citizens, ed in questo si potrebbe anche dire che si perde il valore di stato, il quale esiste per dare sicurezza a chi vive all'interno del medesimo territorio, significa gettare la spugna e lasciare il Paese in uno stato di impotenza. Se poi a scrivere un decreto simile è proprio chi si vuole proteggere, chi vuole delinquere, allora siamo all'assurdo del delinquente che si scrive le leggi per non finire in galera (assurdo già da tempo portato avanti da Berlusconi più e più volte). Siamo allo stato di delinquenza. Ora però si è varcato il Rubicone, infatti se fino ad ora si era cercato di proteggere solo Silvio Berlusconi, con questo decreto si cerca di proteggere tutta la cricca, tutto il mondo della delinquenza elegante, che sta sulle copertine dei giornali a farsi ritrarre ed osannare e che fa costruire una scuola elementare con sola sabbia.
Gian Luca Calamini
Gian Luca Calamini